
Mayor claims water is turning men gay


A Peruvian mayor claims chemicals in the water being supplied from another town is turning the men in his town into homosexuals

There must be something in the water in one Peruvian town -- and the mayor says it's turning the men gay.
Mayor Jose Benitez has revealed that the metal strontium has got in the water supply and warned of its apparent side-effects.

"Unfortunately strontium reduces male hormones and suddenly we'll all be like men in Tabalosos, where the percentages are increasing of homosexuality," he announced, Benitez issued his warning to the citizens of Huarmey during an opening ceremony for a local water project.

But while scientists warn that strontium, which is naturally occurring, can cause bone cancer, anemia and cardiovascular complications in very high doses no study has ever suggested it is linked to sexual behaviour. Benitez's accusation probably derives from a Peruvian television program several years ago that claimed the population of Tabalosos was predominantly gay.

Tabalosos, which is located in Peru's interior, is the source of water for Huarmey.
But the mayor of Tabalosos, Jorge Luis Vasquez said the myth had damaged the reputation of his city, adding, "Young people have low self-esteem by this stigma." He demanded that Benitez either prove his assertion or apologise for it.